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Showcase OREOSO

Corrado Register

The Corrado Register is an exclusive members only subscription platform, showcasing members classic VW Corrado's


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Formed back in the 40's, and ever since then has offered a friendly and stimulating atmosphere in which to create, enjoy and now share art.

Art Gallery

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Show my Artwork

Budding young artists hone their skills. With the hard work done, share your proud achievement and tell the story of the journey from brush to canvas, pen to paper 


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Galleria Asalia

A journey through the life and times of art and artists embracing various styles from Modern to Contemporary,  Cubism to Street 

Paintings on Wood

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Christmas Expo

Strategy driven by engaging content, largely sourced from exhibitors, around exciting products and news. you will find it all at the Christmas Fair

Ornament Shopping

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Pitcher This

Pubs are alive with art. Capturing and telling the story like never before, Pitcher This is not only about the art and artist but the occasion as well 

Pub Shelves

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